What Coronavirus Teaches Us About Disability Insurance

This recent article by James Brewer in Forbes caught my eye… sometimes it takes a crisis like the current pandemic to alert people to the importance of income protection if you are disabled for any length of time and cannot work. Many people simply pass on disability insurance during their open enrollment period for company benefits. We tend to think that disabling events won’t happen to us. We won't get in a car crash, we won't have a heart attack, aneurysm, etc. It happens to other people, not us. We may even know someone struck with one of these life-altering events, yet we still cling to believing it won’t happen to us. Until recently, that is. Now, daily press briefings on the coronavirus have made getting deathly sick part of our daily thought process. And some people find themselves in dire financial straits due to their own or their partner’s illness. Depending upon the victim’s career or network of friends, there might be a benefit concert or a GoFundMe page, but that’s not typical. Read the rest of the article clicking here .

C.E. "Bud" Smith

C.E. "Bud" Smith began his career as an insurance producer for Massachusetts Mutual in 1968, working with individuals in the areas of estate planning and life insurance. Today, he serves as president of The Smith Organization and an owner in Lion Street, a national independent financial and insurance advisory firm.  He works with successful families and their companies in crafting sophisticated financial solutions to help grow and protect their wealth.  He also works with the companies of these families in constructing creative executive benefit plans.

He attended the University of North Carolina, where he studied political science and is a member of The Chancellor's Club.  He received his BBA from Georgia State University in 1968. Mr. Smith is a CLU and has achieved the MassMutual Masters Club status, Top of the Table, 25 Million Dollar Forum and lifetime member of MDRT. He currently holds his Series 65, Series 6 and Series 63 securities licencses.

Mr. Smith is a member of First Presbyterian Church in Atlanta and diligently works in fund raising for the National Parkinson's Foundation. He enjoys golfing, running and reading. He lives in Atlanta and has two sons - C.E., IV, who is a neuroradiologist in Nashville and Tyler, who is a successful insurance advisor specializing in disability income for The Smith Organization.


How to Protect Your Income


Today Is Your Disability Insurance Reality Check